So, let's retry that? Sometimes we just really need to execute something until it works, right? Or just give up after a number of attempts. That's what we will talk about today: how to retry in Laravel.
Build validation that you can be proud of in Laravel For me, this is part of what makes Laravel so elegant and fluent. Although it allows you validate your input data using multiple approaches, it gives you guard rails to ensure that it will work well and will stay organized as your application grows.
How this pattern made me write reusable Vue components with little effort In this article, I'll show you how to refactor a Vue component separating concerns and making them more reusable with the container/presentational pattern
The 11 books I read in 2021 I used to be a bookworm. Most of the reading was done in my commute to college or high school classes. Now, I'm trying to pick up the pace and take the time to do it, and this article is a look back on the books I read in the past year.
Formatting numbers in JavaScript In the last couple of posts, I showed you how you can format dates and relative dates using the native Internationalization API. Today, I'll we're going to format regular numbers using the same API
How to format relative dates using native JavaScript Relative dates are very common in applications where you want show the user the amount of time that has passed or will pass until something happens (e.g. "published 1 day ago") rather than the specific date and time when something happened (e.g. "published on 01/11/2021").
Formatting dates in JavaScript using the user's locale Currently, there are multiple libraries to format dates in JavaScript, but I bet you don't really need them for basic use cases. In this post I will show you how to format dates using the user's locale.
Useful JavaScript array methods Each of these methods has their own use case, and even though you can achieve the same results using a combination of a for loop and a few auxiliary variables, understanding them and using them where appropriate will make your code a lot more readable and simpler.
How to squash commits in Git Today, I'd like to show you a quick tip that can help you during big git merges, future rebases or just to keep your branches and commit list cleaner.
Destructuring Assignment in JavaScript The destructuring assingment is an expression that allows you to extract values from arrays and properties from object into variables
The different ways to do routing in Laravel Routing in Laravel is very flexible. You can define the routes to your app in so many ways, each with a different purpose. Today, I want to show you a few ways that helped me and that I use very frequently while working with Laravel.
How to create a toast notification with Alpine.js Today I’ll show how to create a piece of UI that comes up very often when we want to communicate the result of an action to the user: toast notifications!
Let’s build an accessible modal with Alpine.js Modals are widely used as means for quick interactions, forms, or just to provide extra information. In this post we will build a modal with Alpine.js covering transitions and a11y.
How to use Twig in Laravel Laravel comes bundled with its own templating engine called Blade which is very powerful, but you also have the option to use Twig instead.
2020 in Review I decided to write this post to reflect on what I achieved last year to give me some perspective. I plan on doing this post every year from now on with this objective in mind.
How I added Dark Mode to my blog using TailwindCSS Dark mode is a color scheme of interfaces that display light text and elements on a dark background. Let's use TailwindCSS to add it to a site.
How to build a real time chat app with Node.js and Lots of applications rely on real time data delivery to provide value to the user. From instant messaging, to online multiplayer games, IoT, ad servers, and stock exchange brokers.
Web scraping with Puppeteer If you want to scrape some data directly from websites, especially if they rely heavily on JavaScript, then you should probably check out Puppeteer.
Let's build an ajax form with Alpine.js In the previous post, I wrote about Alpine.js, how to use it and we built a tab navigation example with this framework. Now, let's take things one step further.
Let’s build a tab navigation with Alpine.js I like to think of it as a lighter and lower cost Vue.js mixed with TailwindCSS. The syntax is very similar to Vue.js and you sprinkle it in your HTML just like TailwindCSS.
How to create a Rest API with Laravel Laravel makes it quick to get up and running with Rest APIs that you can use to feed data to mobile apps, javascript applications or other applications. In this post, I'll show you how easy it is to do it.
Cleaning up merged git branches If you use any git workflow similar to git flow, then you probably have many merged branches. Learn how to remove them quickly.
Local Storage A type of web storage that enables JavaScript applications to access data stored directly in the browser with no expiration date.
For Loops in JavaScript JavaScript has at least three distinct ways of defining "for" loops and they can be used to solve different problems and make your code more legible.
Const, Let and Var There are three ways of declaring a variable in JavaScript: var, let or const. Each one has their own peculiarities. Learn how and where each one is used.
How to watch nested object properties in Vue How to watch properties nested in JavaScript objects in a simple and elegant way
How to use git cherry-pick How to apply only changes introduced by one or a few commits not having to merge the entire branch
How to sort an array by date in JavaScript Sort arrays by date and do not bring external packages and more complexity to your project
How to look for a branch in git Your coworker created a new feature and asked you to review it. How to look for a branch that someone else created and pushed to the remote repository using Git?